Married men make up a large portion of people visiting the club, and are often great customers. Especially the older, married men getting in during lunchtime because they have to be home by the evening. If we were to pass moral judgments on anyone for their relationship status, we wouldn't have a single customer.
What do they need from us? After talking with many of them they usually fall into one of two camps:
"I love my wife, she's my best friend, but there is no spark."
"I'm unhappy, I hate her, but I'm stuck."
When talking with a customer you can root out which camp he falls in and then cater to his needs accordingly. The first one just needs a little more excitement and variety in his life. Someone to pour his energy into after being bored and rejected at home. Just be positive and fun. If he falls into the second camp, he needs a little emotional encouragement, ego boost, and distraction. Who doesn't?
Do show that you respect his situation and needs
Do show that you value his privacy
Do be positive and fun
Do respect his boundaries
Don't wear glitter or strong perfumes (married men spook easily! Lol)
Don't show that you judge them for their relationship status
Don't ask for personal or identifying information
Don't text their phone with incriminating messages