Is there a rude dancer at your club? The girl that just keeps creating obstacles for you and you can’t get rid of her?
Three days ago an older dancer at a new club that I’m trying out tested my patience and completely obliterated all stripper etiquette.
I was chatting with a lone guy at the bar and we were vibing pretty well. I was warming him up and learning about him to see which dance would be right for him.
This older, obnoxious dancer walks up to him on the other side and starts being loud and annoying to get him to start talking to her instead. I was confused by how blatantly rude she was being so I just looked at her, unmoving, like bitch, what the fuck? Then, I started watching her to try to assess if she was being intentionally rude or if she was just stupid.
Ohhhh, she says, I didn’t mean to ruin this. Then, continues trying to talk to him. Obviously meaning to ruin it. The different ways I could react started running through my head. I came up in ghetto clubs so my first reaction was going to be bad for everyone. I held back.
You know how clubs are. Even if someone is bullying you or initiating problems with you if you bring it to management’s attention they look at you like you’re the problem, so you usually have to handle things yourself.
I decided to play it cool and retreated. It was good luck too because the next customer I talked to spent money whereas she didn’t make a sale with him.
But the situation stuck in my head. She tried to see what level of disrespect she could get away with and bulldozed me. I need to handle this in a non-problematic way. I’ll start with a conversation with her and see if she has enough maturity to maintain stripper etiquette.
Stripper Etiquette
If a dancer is with a customer let them have their interaction unless you have an understanding, or the dancer or the customer calls you in.
Nobody owns the customer if you are not physically there with them at that time.
Respect helps maintain good work relationships. It’s hard to balance friendship and competition. Just start with basic decency.
Having a nasty attitude ruins the atmosphere for everyone and customers will pull money back.
What are some of your club's basic stripper etiquette rules?